How Much Does an Unreliable Fiber Telco Network Registration Cost?

A Thought Experiment in Network Management

Let’s imagine that a very large and complex fiber optic telco network has just been rolled out, and it’s your job to manage it as efficiently and profitably as possible. Now imagine that the only information you have available about the entire network infrastructure is the original scope planning. You have no reliable information about the precise location of where the cables were actually laid or the exact components that were used in the end, or where extra splices and joins were made, and you don’t even know for absolute certain which homes were connected with how many connections when all was said and done.

The Consequences of Poor Documentation

Sounds like a scary scenario, doesn’t it?  If your mind went immediately to the amount of precious time, money and customer satisfaction that would be wasted, then you understand exactly what it means to work with a network infrastructure that is poorly documented. Your teams constantly scrambling to resolve any incident, longer downtimes, frustrated customers, SLAs broken, and all due to inefficient resource allocations and unnecessary excavations at the wrong locations. It’s an operational nightmare!

The Importance of Detailed Network Documentation

An efficient system that can easily and accurately provide every detail for your fiber network registration, regardless of the size or complexity, is the most reliable way to avoid the kind of costly mistakes and inefficient network management challenges that come with not knowing the exact location and detailed makeup of every single component of your fiber network infrastructure. Investing in a system that provides that kind of accuracy and reliability from the ground up is an investment in efficiency, customer satisfaction and profitability.

The Role of Digital Twins in Network Management

Profitable fiber network management starts and ends with reliable, detailed network documentation. Ideally, you want an exact digital twin of your physical network infrastructure. Without that kind of information, every phase of your telco network operation becomes a gamble, where guessing the wrong location and makeup of connections and where to dig to repair an outage is not only inefficient, but also very expensive. A system that ensures every cable and connection is clearly and precisely mapped and every detail is accessible anywhere, both in the office and in the field, and in real-time—that is how you set your fiber optic network up for the most cost-effective operation and maintenance. That is how you safeguard your ROI for the long term!

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