CAIW (former CIF) builds and maintains fiber optic networks in the Netherlands, and in recent years has focused on connecting residential units on the fiber optic network. CAIW sought reinforcement for network engineering.
Kees Jonker, Speer IT: “At our daughter company Speerworks, we have a lot of smart young people who support our customers on location in the optimal design and use of Cocon. Since recently we also mediate when a customer needs a network engineer via Speerworks . This is done in close cooperation with The Peoplegroup. Our first networking engineer through this concept is now working at our customer CAIW.
Jos van der Klauw, CAIW: “We are hiring a network engineer through Speerworks because we have been working together with Speer IT for much longer. This gives us a lot of confidence that the hired engineer can support us well in mapping out the outdoor areas. The relationship with Speer IT is the plus point.”
Speerworks is a daughter company of Speer IT and focuses primarily on providing customer support on location through the use of Speerworkers, specialists in the field of Cocon.