The latest developments on the platform for telecom network management It’s been a while since we gave an update on the latest developments in the Gridsz platform. It’s about time because more and more new functionality is added! Gridsz is the SaaS platform specifically developed to handle all administrative processes in the management phase of […]
Gridsz platform aces its first pen test
Since its initial development phase, GRIDSZ, our subsidiary joint venture with Infodation, has added so much functionality into its new fiber optics network administration platform and onboarded so many new customers that we felt it was time to do the same in-depth pen testing that we subject our Cocon asset registration system to each year. […]
Availability checker live at DELTA Fiber the Netherlands
APRIL 2020 In September of last year, we announced that we would be building a generic availability checker (AC) together with Infodation. Network owners can offer their network and tenants can see if there is a network available somewhere. This availability checker has been live at our joint customer DELTA Fiber Nederland since March 17th […]