As a network owner, you need a reliable fiber optics system
With Cocon Fiber, you can manage any type of fiber optic network: FttH, FttO, FttB, Smart City, or any other. And everything is recorded in complete detail. You can make direct requests for info about what type was used or how much capacity is still available anywhere in the network. All of which is essential information for you as a fiber optic network owner, as well as for your investors when you want to safeguard the value and future returns on your assets.

Your benefits with Cocon Fiber
With one click of the mouse, you get realistic overviews of your fiber optic network, available all the way down to the smallest detail. Physical and non-physical elements are all connected to each other logically so it’s easy to follow.
Views of both your current and future network situation are possible. And it supports the entire process, from planning to final documentation. Work, outages, installation costs and network capacity are all visible on your screen in no time, and in both geographical and non-geographical views.
Safeguard Value
Complete overview and value protection of all your assets.
Work faster and smarter in your day-to-day operations.
Reliable database with proven technology and smart redundant backups.
Easy output
Various (automated) reports are easy and fast to create.
All the network details to support smart capacity management decisions.

Capacity management
Cocon Fiber gives you a clear picture of the utilization rate of your fiber optic network. You can see exactly where you still have capacity or where there are potential bottlenecks. Where do you need to expand your network and how much would the investment for that be? Cocon Fiber can answer all your questions about the capacity of your fiber optic network.
Asset management
With Cocon Fiber, you can manage any type of fiber optic network, whether it’s FttH, FttO, FttB, Smart City, or any other network. Every detail is recorded in the database and easily accessible when you need to find it. You know precisely which components are located where, including the exact topology, and you get immediate answers about capacity. The level of detail about every asset in your network means you know exactly what is where and how it’s being utilized – important information for being able to safeguard the future value and generating returns on your extensive capital investment.
Get reports on any detail, anywhere in your network
The software generates plenty of automated reports for network owners: number of kilometers of cables, number of connected buildings, contract expirations, just to name a few. Users can also create their own reports from any of the data contained in the system. (And it’s all in there!) There’s also our handy webmodule (CoconTheWeb) that allows you to view the entire network at any time and on any device.
Our popular simplified web version of the Cocon Fiber application for fiber optic network asset management means you can use it anywhere in the world.
It’s user-friendly and fast!
Professional support for optimal fiber optics asset management
Cocon Fiber is the ideal high-quality software system for managing your fiber optic network. That quality extends to our level of service as well. When you need support in optimizing your internal management processes, or help with the implementation or migration of our software systems, Speer IT has training available for your employees and can even provide one of our Cocon Fiber professionals through our Speerworks consultancy. Want to know more about how your can get the most benefit from of our software solutions? Download the brochure!
‘Cocon Fiber is the veins of our operational management.’
Arian de Korte
Program Director Technology - Eurofiber Group