CoconTheWeb has revolutionised our
response to service information requests impressively reduced the service request
demands on our GIS team’
Kevin Foley
GIS Technology Specialist
BT Ireland & Speer IT
providing a more efficient excavation process together. In the Netherlands, the registration of various types of networks is well-organised in the Land Registry, thanks to extensive automation and efficient collaboration with service providers, such as Speer IT and its CoconTheWeb registration system.
The service provider handles all messages about excavation work from and to the network administrators. This closed and fully automated system ensures that the risk of incidents, such as broken cables due to excavation work, is kept to a minimum. This efficient work method also ensures that all parties involved always have information about the most current situation. This is helpful, for example, when there are disruptions, to identify the location in question, so that a targeted solution can be found.
Other working methods abroad
Outside of the Netherlands, the provision of information around excavation work is sometimes not as automated and is organised differently; for example in Ireland.
There, a contractor is expected to write to the various network administrators – by letter, email or fax – to ask if they have a network in a particular location. Every network administrator then has to check whether this is the case. If there is a network component in the location, a message that includes relevant diagrams then has to the contractor, including the accompanying diagrams.
BT Ireland saves time and resources
Operator and network administrator BT Ireland has found a solution to make the provision of information around excavation work more efficient. It uses the online CoconTheWeb registration system and the module
‘Cable Information Control System (Klicon) of Speer IT for this. This allows the network
administrator to fully automate the manual information transfer. The new orking method saves time and resources:
• The ‘groundwork’ contractor is given (limited) access to coconTheWeb by BT Ireland. There, he sees a geographical map where he can zoom into street level. He can then indicate on the map where he wants to dig. BT Ireland will then be automatically notified of this.
• The Klicon module analyses the incoming message and informs the contactor if there is a network component in the area in question, by automated email. If there is indeed a component of the BT Ireland network there, the accompanying digital diagrams of the area will also be included in the email.
Help during disruptions
Another important advantage of this working method for BT Ireland is the fact that all messages about intended excavation works are automatically saved in CoconTheWeb. If there is a disruption, despite everything, BT Ireland can quickly find out if there is a contractor that wanted to work in the affected area. Which in turn makes it easier to determine whether that might be the cause of the problem.
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