Customer loss due to slow response to network problems

In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, a slow response to network issues can lead to one of the most dreaded outcomes: losing customers. 📉 When network problems arise, limiting downtime is crucial. The longer it takes to identify and resolve an issue, the more frustrated your customers become. That frustration can quickly translate into a […]

Navigating the Challenges of Fiber Network SLAs

In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, maintaining Service Level Agreements (SLAs) is crucial. For companies like Eurofiber, the backbone of reliable service lies in the accuracy of their fiber optic network registration. Why? Because of what can happen if that registration is not precisely on the mark. Imagine a scenario where a network issue arises, […]

The hidden cost of inaccurate fiber-optic data

What happens when your fiber optic network data is not completely accurate? The hidden costs can be substantial for any network operator. Imagine knowing there’s a network outage, but not knowing precisely where the affected part of the network is located. Searching for it is time-consuming and costly, especially if a street needs to be […]

How outdated asset management systems are hampering your growth

When network management is a big part of your business, outdated asset management methods can put real limits on growth. Using spreadsheets and multiple systems to register and manage a fiber optic network makes it difficult to get the kind of overview and detailed insights that are useful for analysis and planning. Then there is […]

Why accurate fiber data is crucial for your network.

Ensuring the accuracy of fiber optic network registration poses a significant challenge for network owners. To manage a network that is mostly under the ground as effectively as possible over the expected 30+ years of operation, your data needs to perfectly reflect the exact physical reality of every cable and every connection. Without sufficient consistency […]