Abdel Harmaz: Accountmanager

Meet Abdel Harmaz, one of our account managers. Personally, he prefers to use the term relationship manager: “Relationship manager makes it more personal in my opinion, not only in name, but also in terms of approach. I enjoy working with people to find the best solutions to problems by asking the right questions.” Meet Abdel […]

Speer IT and its employees adopt rainforest 

Not only do we have a heart for the business, but also for each other and the world in which we are allowed to live. Sustainability is important to us. We have full insight into our carbon footprint and our CO2 policy plan is based on this. In order to obtain and retain our  CO2 […]

Digitisation: the Netherlands scores high in innovation

The Netherlands scores high in innovation Dutch government may take on greater stimulating role Download the PDF of the article here. The Netherlands still scores high in the various lists that measure things like innovation and competitive capacity. Despite that, there is no reason for complacency. With respect to digital infrastructure for households, the Netherlands […]

FiberFIT monitoring & Cocon

FiberFit monitoring

May 22nd 2020 Speer IT and Simac Electronics have entered into a partnership as of October 2018 to further optimize the link between Cocon and FiberFIT Home and FiberFIT Monitoring in order to be able to predict the quality of fiber optic cables, among other things. Fiber Intelligent Testing is the smart way to deal […]

Availability checker live at DELTA Fiber the Netherlands

availability checker

APRIL 2020 In September of last year, we announced that we would be building a generic availability checker (AC) together with Infodation. Network owners can offer their network and tenants can see if there is a network available somewhere. This availability checker has been live at our joint customer DELTA Fiber Nederland since March 17th […]

FttH Design environment in Cocon

FttH design in cocon

We often develop a specific solution within Cocon in collaboration with one of our customers. Now we have a solution that we have made with our customer Deutsche Glasfaser. The new FttH design environment In Cocon We developed the concept “FTTH Design environment”. Within this concept you can import the FTTH design of your future […]

Intelligent working – Kees Jonker

Kees Jonker Speer IT

Corona “Prior to publishing this newsletter, the question was raised whether or not we should say something about Corona. To be honest, my first reaction was “no”. Because I am actually quite done with Corona. I just do not like it at all. I am usually very much of a news junky and now I […]

Fiber optics meets exploding broadband needs

smart cities

5G, Internet of Things, smart cities and intelligent vehicles boost data-hunger. DOWNLOAD PDF Looking into the future is a difficult task. Especially when it comes to fast-changing markets like IT and telecommunication. But there are two predictions that can easily be made. The first one is: the need for bandwidth and faster connectivity will only […]

A bird’s-eye-view of twenty years of broadband 

Fiber optic has eternal youth  The first ten years of the 21st century are behind us. The second decennium is already known as ‘The Roaring Twenties’ or ‘The Transition Twenties’. A period that’s all about big changes, both economically and socially. No matter by what name you call it, one thing is certain: 2020 marks the beginning of an ever bigger technological […]

Results CSS 2019

Every year Speer IT conducts a customer satisfaction survey among its customers for the previous year. This research is divided into different topics, from service to our products. The image below shows the results of the 2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey (Results CCS 2019). The survey is conducted among all users with a Cocon or CoconTheWeb […]